December 2013 Hack and Tell
From empty editor buffers came:
A simple image uploader authored by Kai Hendry, so his parents can share photographs with less fuss.
An Ansible module to deploy SSH configuration files, hand crafted by Björn Andersson.
A toolchain to build a Kindle eBook of the Feynman Lectures, thanks to Patrick Haller, James Rivett-Carnac, Gwen Tan, and (to the smallest extent) I.
Life, a tool to visualise a timeline of life events, by Lim Chee Aun. It may be enough to say over eighteen hundred people have forked his life so far.
kopi.js; a parser for descriptions of Singapore coffee, in Coffeescript, with accompanying unit tests. So far this seems to have received major contributions from Chee Aun, Lakshan Perera, and Choon Kee Oh.
scheme2llvm, from Melvin Zhang: a self-applicable LLVM front-end for a subset of Scheme.
imap2json, also by Kai; this serves chosen IMAP directories through a web interface, so conversations can be referenced without in-MUA forwarding.
Patrick Haller spoke on Ender’s Game and game design, which I believe has resulted in the formation of a meetup group to discuss principles thereof. See this thread for more details.
James and Chinmay Pendharkar discussed plans for developing systems to moderate door access to the Hackerspace. Rahul and Shan are also involved with this.