10th Singapore Hack and Tell
- Stephan on video hosting at a leading payments company
- Kai on problems with the JSON of the LTA arrivals API - creepy video
- Jia Hen on https://github.com/wizztjh/metaroom-markup, for 3D HTML markup of a room
- Sayanee on Webuild’s API & a OSX menubar, which is based on electon
- Wyemun on http://caast.me/, a way of sharing a URL on a phone to the desktop with QR codes
- Melvin on AI (rule based) tic tac toe
- Chinmay on http://chinpen.net/resampler/
- Lucian on resistance
- Hoàng Xuân Phú on https://github.com/phunehehe/IntentBridge, a way of interacting with Android services from or to the Web
- Rahul on running VMs on OSX